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Simon C. Watkins Ph.D.

  • Distinguished Professor and Vice Chair - I do microscopes and imaging
Research Interests

Optical Microscopy has formed the core of my research career since my graduate training.  Within the CBI we build, test, and use cutting edge optical tools for all types of research microscopic imaging in cells, tissues and animals from the single molecule to the whole animal, the goal being to build highly flexible, maximally effective imaging solutions, to be used by academic researchers.  These include high speed Total internal Reflection Fluorescence microscopes able to image at 1000 frames/second, high speed confocal systems able to collect multicolor 3D stacks in the second timeframe and other prototype confocal systems able to scan very large samples (centimeter scale) with submicron resolution at very high speed (about 50 times faster than a standard confocal).  Most recently we have been extending this include  very high speed deep tissue imaging solutions base to collect and quantify images at the limit of entire, expanded tissues including brain, lung, kidney and liver

Representative Publications
  1. Medina Sanchez L, Siller M, Zeng Y, Brigleb PH, Sangani KA, Soto AS, Engl C, Laughlin CR, Rana M, Van Der Kraak L, Pandey SP, Bender MJ, Fitzgerald B, Hedden L, Fiske K, Taylor GM, Wright AP, Mehta ID, Rahman SA, Galipeau HJ, Mullett SJ, Gelhaus SL, Watkins SC, Bercik P, Nice TJ, Jabri B, Meisel M, Das J, Dermody TS, VerdĂș EF, Hinterleitner R. The gut protist Tritrichomonas arnold restrains virus-mediated loss of oral tolerance by modulating dietary antigen-presenting dendritic cells.. Immunity. 2023 Jul 11;():. pii: S1074-7613(23)00279-0. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.06.022. PubMed PMID: 37478853;
  2. Hislop JJ, Alavi A, Song Q, Schoenberger RL, Keshavarz F K, LeGraw R, Velazquez JJ, Mokhtari T, Taheri MN, Rytel M, de Sousa Lopes SMC, Watkins SC, Stolz DB, Kiani S, Sozen B, Bar-Joseph Z, Ebrahimkhani M. Modelling Human Post-Implantation Development via Extra-Embryonic Niche Engineering.. bioRxiv. 2023 Jul 24;():. pii: 2023.06.15.545118. doi: 10.1101/2023.06.15.545118. PubMed PMID: 37398391;
  3. Maggiore JC, LeGraw R, Przepiorski A, Velazquez J, Chaney C, Streeter E, Silva-Barbosa A, Franks J, Hislop J, Hill A, Wu H, Pfister K, Howden SE, Watkins SC, Little M, Humphreys BD, Watson A, Stolz DB, Kiani S, Davidson AJ, Carroll TJ, Cleaver O, Sims-Lucas S, Ebrahimkhani MR, Hukriede NA. Genetically engineering endothelial niche in human kidney organoids enables multilineage maturation, vascularization and de novo cell types.. bioRxiv. 2023 May 30;():. pii: 2023.05.30.542848. doi: 10.1101/2023.05.30.542848. PubMed PMID: 37333155;
  4. Dar HH, Mikulska-Ruminska K, Tyurina YY, Luci DK, Yasgar A, Samovich SN, Kapralov AA, Souryavong AB, Tyurin VA, Amoscato AA, Epperly MW, Shurin GV, Standley M, Holman TR, St Croix CM, Watkins SC, VanDemark AP, Rana S, Zakharov AV, Simeonov A, Marugan J, Mallampalli RK, Wenzel SE, Greenberger JS, Rai G, Bayir H, Bahar I, Kagan VE. Discovering selective antiferroptotic inhibitors of the 15LOX/PEBP1 complex noninterfering with biosynthesis of lipid mediators.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Jun 20;120(25):e2218896120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2218896120. PubMed PMID: 37327313;