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Trainee Responsibilities

Selection of a project co-mentor, who is a participating faculty mentor in the program but mustbe from a different department. The co-mentor can be a member of the student’s thesis committee meetings.


Completion of an on-line Individualized Training Plan.


Submission of an application for external funding by the end of the 4th year of graduate school and/or participation in a grant writing workshop or course.


Attendance at meetings approximately every month with the Program Director, Dr. Murray, or a participating faculty member, for supplemental advice and discussions on career trajectories, challenges facing underrepresented minorities in science, research directions, problems encountered, etc…


Attendance at a meeting with Dr. Murray and/or a member of the Executive Committee at ~6 months to discussion project goals, accomplishments, and completion of requirements.


Completion of a teaching experience at some time point prior to graduation.


Attendance at University forums on diversity and inclusion.


Attendance at a monthly “Experiments in Cell Biology” course, which includes research seminars, issues in scientific ethics, career opportunities beyond graduation, etc…


Attendance at a weekly journal club.